We are honored to have Lilly Marcelin, the Founding and Executive Director of Resilient Sisterhood Project, be our guest speaker for this follow up discussion about reproductive rights. We will discuss statistics and build our awareness of the plight of women in health care. Lilly's grandma used to say what we are using for the title of this meeting; this reminds us about the ongoing practice of seeing commonality and finding empathy. (Participation in the first part of this discussion is not required.) All are welcome.
See Resilient Sisterhood Project's website for more info, and learn about the recent event held at Wellesley College: "Remembering our Foremothers in Gynecology: The Hidden Contributions of Anarcha, Betsey and Lucy": https://www.rsphealth.org/home
Reading list from Part 1, July 6 (FYI):
What is Reproductive Justice? by SisterSong: https://www.sistersong.net/reproductive-justice/
RJ Founding Mothers, the women who wrote the 1994 statement about reproductive care access: https://bwrj.wordpress.com/2012/08/08/151/
Black Women on Universal Health Care Reform, the text of their statement: https://bwrj.wordpress.com/2012/08/08/black-women-on-universal-health-care-reform/
Monthly meeting overview:
Please join in the conversation as we continue to get real about the problem of racism in our world, and move toward personal and collaborative action. Our Racial Justice Dialogues are opportunities to talk openly about racism and other forms of oppression in our society. Please join us to continue sharing our experiences, hopes and dreams about living in community beyond race. All are welcome.
- This group meets the first Saturday of each month...now in the Moon Room on the 2nd floor. Come in the side door off of School Street. The meeting topics come from votes done at meetings.
- Please let us know your needs so we can help make the event accessible for you. Note: there is a ramp near the main entrance, and an elevator available. The elevator is tricky so please arrange to meet one of us five minutes or so before the meeting so we can help.
To help us be prepared for all participants, please RSVP if you can come to this meeting and update it if your plans change; use our Meetup page or email (4change.resource@gmail.com)