This month we will be exploring the "Intersections of Race, Sexuality, and Gender Identity."
Please join in the conversation as we continue to get real about the problem of racism in our world, and move toward personal and collaborative action. Our Dialogues are opportunities to talk openly about racism and other forms of oppression in our society. Please join us to continue sharing our experiences, hopes and dreams about living in community beyond race. All are welcome to our meetings that are now a part of Boston Knapsack Anti-Racism Group.
We meet the first Saturday of each month from 2-4 pm in our Sanctuary. See calendar for dates and/or our meetup pages (links below) for topics and more details. The topics come from votes taken at meetings, and the facilitation is shared by various volunteers.
To help us be prepared for all participants, please RSVP if you can come to this meeting and change it if your plans change. You can RSVP in any of the following ways:
on the Boston Knapsack Anti-Racism Group page:
on the CSSC page:
by emailing Deb at